Cool kid is cool it cool it says in his name. Everyone called him Great. I am going to call him Great too. Great was good at everything but cheering for people!!!!! He forced people to cheer for him!!       Great won every prize for running, jumping and swimming. Great doesn’t help or even train!!

One day Great was going to school happily. Normally people stop to look at him but today nobody was. To Great it was a pool of nothing but gloom. He didn’t feel normal. The teacher asked him why he was sad but Great wouldn’t reply. David asked him why.”I’m not popular any more”, cried Great sadly.” I still like you”, whispered David happily. Great had an idea! The idea was a good idea.”You’re a shark David”, said Great. “Your an amazing person”, replied David. Now Great was happy! Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



By Anna .W

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